Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Allow me to extend an invitation on behalf of Českomoravská kynologická unie (ČMKU) to the European Dog Show of all breeds. It will take place from April 10, 2025, to April 13, 2025, at the BVV Brno Exhibition Centre. This isn't the first European Dog Show that the Czech Republic has had the privilege to host. The inaugural event took place in 2014, attracting 14,652 dogs representing over 300 breeds and varieties. Additionally, 6,212 individuals were registered for the National Dog Show, which ran concurrently.
Information about the event, exhibition grounds, map and description of how to get to Brno by bus, train or plane
HOW TO GET THEREBasic information about place where is held the Dog Show you can find - on the page you will find basic information, practical information and important links
ABOUT BVV EXHIBITION CENTRECzech nation breeds - Czech Fousek, Czech Terrier, Bohemian Shepherd Dog, Prague Ratter, Bohemian Mountain Dog, Bohemian Spotted Dog, Czechoslovakian Wolfdog