Regulations for ČMKU dog shows
Regulations for FCI dog shows
- FCI European Winner 2025, EUW-25 - The FCI-CACIB winners of each breed obtain the title FCI European Winner 2025. To breeds with varieties (size/coat/color) the title is awarded corresponding to FCI-CACIB distribution. In case of breeds provisionally recognized by the FCI, the FCI European Winner titles will be awarded to best male and best female from the intermediate, open, working and champion class. These breeds are not eligible for FCI-CACIB.
- FCI European Junior Winner 2025, JEUW-25 - Best junior male and best junior female in every breed obtain the title FCI European Junior Winner – provided that they have received the qualification in Junior class: Excellent 1, CAJC and FCI-CACIB-J. To breeds with varieties (size/coat/color) the title is awarded corresponding to FCI-CACIB distribution. In case of breeds provisionally recognized by the FCI, the FCI European Winner titles will be awarded to best male and best female from Junior class obtaining Excellent1, CAJC. These breeds are not eligible for FCI-CACIB-J.
- FCI European Veteran Winner 2024, VEUW-25 - Best veteran male and best veteran female in every breed obtain the title FCI European Veteran Winner – provided that tehy have recived the qualification in Veteran class: Excellent 1, FCI-CACIB-V. To breeds with varieties (size/coat/color) the title is awarded corresponding to FCI-CACIB distribution. In case of breeds provisionally recognized by the FCI, the FCI European Winner titles will be awarded to best male and best female from Veteran class obtaining Excellent1. These breeds are not eligible for FCI-CACIB-J.
- European Hope 2025 - Title is awarded in Minor Puppy class and Puppy class in every breed to best male and female – provided they have received the qualification: Very Proming 1. To breeds with varieties (size/coat/color) the title is awarded corresponding to FCI-CACIB distribution.
- CAJC – Certificate for the Czech Junior Champion title may be awarded to males and females graded as Excellent 1st in junior class.
- CAC – Certificate for the Czech Champion title may be awarded to males and females graded Excellent 1st in intermediate, open, working or champion class
- res. CAC ČR – can be obtained by a male and a female with Excellent 2 in the intermediate, open, working and champion classes providing that the CAC has been also awarded to the first male/female placed in that class.
- CAC ČMKU - (certificate for ČMKU Champion) is automatically related to FCI-CACIB.
- Best of Juniors (BOJ) – the title is awarded to the best specimen in competition between FCI-Junior European Winners
- Best of Veterans (BOV) - the title is awarded to the best specimen in competition between FCI-Veteran European Winners
- Best of Breed (BOB) and Best of Opposite Sex (BOS) - The FCI-CACIB-J winner, the FCI-CACIB winner and the FCI-CACIB-V winner from both sexes, will compete for Best of Breed (BOB). The judge must also choose the best exhibit from the opposite sex (BOS) next to the BOB winner.
Czech Championships – exception is valid only during period of European Dog Show 2025:
- Czech Champion - To gain this title the dog need to get 2 CAC´s: 1 CAC from EDS and 1 CAC from NWS
- Czech Junior Champion - To gain tis title the dog need to get 2 CAJC´s: 1 CAJC from EDS and 1 CAJC from NWS
- Czech Veteran Champion - To gain this title the dog need to get 2 Excellent 1: one from EDS and one from NWS
- CMKU Champion - The title can be award to dog which was awarded FCI-European Winner 2025 and National Winner at National Winner Show organized by EDS
Reciprocal agreement
For citizens of Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Israel, Lithuania and Latvia: if the dog is national Champion of Beauty, a simplified
regulations can follow: