Dear Ladies and Gentlemen

Lubomír Široký - prezident ČMKU

Allow me to extend an invitation on behalf of Českomoravská kynologická unie (ČMKU) to the European Dog Show of all breeds. It will take place from April 10, 2025, to April 13, 2025, at the BVV Brno Exhibition Centre. This isn't the first European Dog Show that the Czech Republic has had the privilege to host. The inaugural event took place in 2014, attracting 14,652 dogs representing over 300 breeds and varieties. Additionally, 6,212 individuals were registered for the National Dog Show, which ran concurrently.

Feedback from the 2014 European Dog Show, both from judges and exhibitors, was exceedingly positive. It was evident that participants, both domestic and international, thoroughly enjoyed their time in Brno. This comes as no surprise, given Brno's charm and accessibility, coupled with the excellent facilities of the BVV Brno Exhibition Centre, which provide an ideal setting for such events.

We are confident that the European Dog Show in 2025 will attract a similar number of exhibitors. Esteemed judges from around the world have been invited to officiate. As in 2014, a National Dog Show will run concurrently, offering participants the opportunity to achieve Czech Championships.

The Českomoravská kynologická unie (ČMKU) looks forward to welcoming registered dogs and their companions, as well as spectators. We believe that everyone will depart with fond memories and a greater appreciation for the international standing of our Czech cynology.

Lubomír Široký
ČMKU Chairman

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