van Ruiten-Hajnová Gabriela

van Ruiten-Hajnová Gabriela

Doctor by profession, born in the mid-sixties in the former Czechoslovakia, I have been involved with my hobby – pedigree dogs since I was twelf years.
My passion for terriers started in the eighties when I bought my first short-legged terrier, a Scottie. 
Later, when I was already living in the Netherlands, my long-standing wish came true and I became the owner of
my first Cesky terrier in 1995. From that time on, our national terrier breed is the only one I breed under my kennel name Garex. In 2019 another lovely terrier breed came into our home - an Airedale terrier male.

My dogs, or dogs bred by me, have won numerous championships, European and World titles, Crufts winners,
specialty winners, including BIS. Besides shows, most of my dogs were or still are on the training for obedinece and/or for agility or hunting. I have always tried to maintain the working abilities in our terriers.
Both, as a breeder and a judge, I want to see overall balanced dogs, strong in body and mind.

In 2005, I became a FCI judge and now I judge the whole FCI group III. In the UK I'm on A1 judging list for Cesky Terriers – I'm approved by the Kennel Club to award CC's in our breed.
I have judged terriers on international shows and specialties in many European FCI countries, in  the UK and also the WDS specialty in Amsterdam.
In the Cesky terrier parent club, a number of years I was a member of the breeders advisory committee. On request of the club and the Czech Kennelclub I wrote the Cesky terrier standard explanation, which is already used for judges education in several countries.

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