Smékal Dalibor

Smékal Dalibor

I'm around caninology practically from childhood. In the active hunting practice I'm using my wire fox terriers. I'm the owner of the FCI dog kennel  „z Benkovského kopce“  wich was founded in the 2001. Over the years, higher tens of wire fox terriers, smooth fox terriers, border terriers and smooth standard  dachshunds were born here, whether as working breeds or for their exterior. 

I'm a chairman of Czech-Moravian Cynology Union and a member of several breeder clubs. From the year 2010 I'm also performing as a international judge for exterior for the FCI groups: III, IV, VII, X and Junior handling, apart from that I'm also international judge for the performance of all dog hunting breeds. My dogs are actively performing at dog shows and hunting trials.



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