Řehánek Petr

Řehánek Petr

My name is Petr Řehánek. I am with from Czech republik. I live in near city Ostrava. From his young age I was intersted in cynology. For many years I have been interested in dog traning. I was a judge for working dogs. Thirty years I have bred boxers and my woman Maltese and Cavalier king charles spaniel. Our dog kennel is called Moravia Ja-Pe-Ko. I have held a variety of positions in cynology.

Now I am just judging of dogs, which I greatly enjoy. I am judge for all breeds of dogs. I judged in many countries, for example : Czech Republik, Azerbajdjan, Japan, Slowak Republik, Poland, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Srbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Malta, Israel, Moldavia, Ukraina, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Kyryzstan, Kazakhstan, Gergia, China, Brazil, India and Australia.

Dog shows dictate in the following languages: Czech, English, Germany, Russian and Poland. Very also like to travel.

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