Peroutka Karel

Peroutka Karel

I live close city Plzen and my conection with unique  breed of this district Bohemian Shepherd  Dog it was done.The breeeding has been running during all my life  and in my family is question of generations.I have been breeding Bohemian Shepherd Dog for 20 years.My Kennel is named ,, Z Letinské kovárny,,.You can meet my puppies all over the world.Many year I have been a member of Shepherd Club Czech Republic and now I am the vicepresident and I organize the dog shows,I am the breed advisor in district West Czech Republic region.

In 2026 I was the main organisor the first European Sheperd Dog Show.There was ove 300dogs.In 2022 we continued with World Dog Show for our breed and there was 450dogs.In previous years I was focusing on oficial registration of this breed in FCI.I am a member of The Show Commitee CMKU.
I am the international judge hardly half of breeds from FCI group I.
Judging I like so much and I keep my motto ,, Right judge may be correct helper for breeder and due to judging help in breeding,,.I still study the rest of breed in group FCI I there are Sheepdogs and Cattledogs breeds.I like them so much.
I am honoured to be judge on this Dog Show 

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