Mitrevski Stefan

Mitrevski Stefan

Stefan Mitrevski together with his family from 1994 owned few German Shepherds ,but later in 2005 became involved more in showing and breeding dogs starting a successful exhibitor career.
In 2007 Register his kennel "Inner Vision" Siberian Husky , Pomeranian and Boston Terriers.

President of Kennel Club "Polaris"

FCI judge from 2011 ,was also member of judges examination commision and has offered his expertise on national , international and speciality
shows around the world.

From 2018 till 2020 he was member of Presidium of Kennel Association of North Macedonia.

He has been judging on all continents of the world :Europe ,Asia ,
Australia , Africa , North America and South America and in countries like :
 North Macedonia ,Serbia ,Bulgaria , ,Montenegro,Ukraine
Belarus ,Russia ,Italy, Bosnia & Hercegovina ,Sweden,Croatia, Greece
,Canada ,Japan ,Israel , Kazakhstan,Poland,
Czech Republic, Iceland, Belgium , South Africa , Kyrgyzstan, Dominican
Republic , Australia,
Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia,Vietnam ,China and Brazil !

National All Breed Judge
International Judge for all breeds from groups 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9 and 10.
Approved to judge all Best In Show competition.

Brit BVV Veletrhy Brno OurDogs Hájek photography Porsche Brno Quality Hotel Brno Poháry Bauer