I was born in South Moravia, and my first pedigree dog, a black Petit Brabancon bitch named CIB Prima z Kompas Rose, was a gift from my parents. She came from the last litter bred by František Pěnička, the founder of modern breeding of this breed in our country. I have remained loyal to this breed ever since.
Since 1998, I have been a member of the Czech Griffons and P. Brabancons Club (Klub chovatelů grifonků a brabantíků), where I initially served as a breeding advisor and have now held the role of show secretary for nearly two decades. In parallel, my hobby has become my profession, as I currently work for the Czech Kennel Club at the Stud Book department.
In 2010, I passed the examination to become a judge for the breeds Petit Brabancon, Griffon Belge & Bruxellois. I now judge several breeds within FCI Groups IX and X, as well as Junior Handling competition.
I have judged in Austria, Norway, Russia, and Ukraine. I also had the honor of judging at the World Dog Show in Brno and am eagerly looking forward to judging at the European Dog Show in Brno in 2025. I am the only Czech Breed Specialist judge authorized to award CCs in the United Kingdom, where I had the privilege of judging the Championship Show of The Griffon Bruxellois of Scotland in 2022.