Chmiel Boguslaw

Chmiel Boguslaw

For more than twenty five years I have been a member of the Polish Kennel Club, currently I act as a vice-president in Cracow branch of the Polish Kennel Club and a member of the main board of the Polish Kennel Club

I have been fascinated by German Shepherds for ages and I run a small kennel "Germanius Ortus" (FCI). Except German shepherds there are also miniature pinschers at home.

I am the breeder and exhibitor, my dogs and dogs from my kennel have been achiving many showing and training successes.

Since 2004 I heve been a cynological judge, since 2009 I heve held a title of international judge. I am specialist for German shepherd breed - since 2014 also I have been a judge of the WUSV (the Weltunion der Vereine für Schäferhunde).

Furthermore, I am an international judge for all breeds of dogs from groups 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 and 9 of the FCI.

Also I am a judge for Junior Handling competition on shows all ranks.

Except dog shows of different ranks in Poland, I also have judged in Australia, Belarus, Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Russia, Slovakia and Ukraine.

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