Al Daghistani Vojislav

Al Daghistani Vojislav

Born 1987 in Belgrade, in family of cynologysts. Thanks to my parents who had a key role in my love for dogs and other animals, today I am doctor of Veterinary medicine and specialist in surgery for hips, elbows in dogs. Currently a PhD student on Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Belgrade. Working and staging on Surgery, Orthopedic  and  Ophthalmology  department  and  on Reproduction, Fertility and Artificial Insemination department. Al Daghistani family breed dogs over 40 years, especially German Shepherds. 

Judging Qualifications: 
 All breeds from Groups 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 – 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10

German shepherd Club Belgrade 
Toy Club Belgrade (Board Member) 
Belgium Shepherds Club of Serbia (Board Member)
Belgrade Kennel Club 
Serbian Kennel Club (Delegate)

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